It's not so bad is it? The Tories are in a bit of a spot aren't they? They can either try to go it alone and be humiliated in the Commons on a regular basis. Or they can be left outside of a Lib-Lab pact. The other option of the Lib Dems supporting the Tories just seems so unnatural, with such glaring descrepancies between virtually all their policies. How can that lead to a strong and stable government?
The best Cameron could offer in his first statement was something called the pupil premium - I'd not even heard of that. How can the Lib Dems countenance going into alliance with a party that wouldn't give them anything on massive issues like Trident, tax, Europe and PR? Members of one of the parties (let's face it, the Lib Dems) are sure to be left very disappointed and left wing supporters (the majority? And me, for instance) will leave them in droves - just in time for the next, probably quite imminent, general election. Does it seem insane to think that Labour are actually in the best middle to long term position?
Two mad election things - one of my sisters in law voted Tory. It took a whole day to establish that she wasn't just winding us up. I can't believe it. My wife's sister I'm glad to say, my own family name remains untainted. Secondly, one of my oldest friends has featured quite prominently in the election coverage - he's the copper getting all the abuse in the polling station in Sheffield.
9 hours ago
The saddest thing about it is that the Labour Party has no mandate whatsoever and Brown is clinging on hoping that Clegg speaks to him. Where is the man and the party's dignity!
ReplyDeleteI'm convinced Clegg, will side with the Tories purely for public perception rather than policies.
ReplyDeleteThe upside is a few months of inter-party wrangling between these two, before a second general election - which as got to happen surely (close margins, voters turned away)? By which time Brown would have stood down and Labour could seem a more positive prospect to voters
Let's hope so Mondo, but not the Milliband, please god
ReplyDeleteI may even renew my party membership which I stopped in disgust at the Iraq War
ReplyDeleteDrew - Labour have more supporters than the Lib Dems. Politicians' dignity vanishes the minute they kiss the first baby's head or abase themselves at the feet of newspaper proprietors.
ReplyDeleteThe Tories have always refused voting reform and they know they've failed to win by the terms of their own beloved, archaic system. I'm all for Labour twisting the knife.
Mondo - I really can't see how the Libs can get into bed with the Tories. If they do their name will go down in infamy. In this house anyway.
Drew again - I think it's got to be a Miliband. I hate that the issues of youth and telegenicity (is that a word?) come into it, but they do. And Brown was a disaster.
No I can't see how they can snuggle up at all - policy wise they're poles apart. But imagine the Lib's would see Cameron as the voters choice, and Brown as old news. So will go with the Tory boy. Unless of course there's a deal about Brown moving on - which would have to happen at some point anyway.
ReplyDeleteIt does seem a bit wrong to be pushing for a solution that sees the wishes of 10m voters bypassed. But then again Labour and Lib Dem combined is what? 14m? So I can live with it.
ReplyDeleteI just hope that Nick Clegg is going through the motions, knowing full well that the Tories won't be able to bring themselves to cede any ground. Good old Norman Tebbit's doing his bit I see - saying that he'd rather the Tories go into opposition than into league with the Lib Dems. I never thought I'd ever be in agreement with that bonehead.