Sunday, 25 March 2012

My cat's blacker than your cat

I've been meaning to post this for ages and now, prompted by Davy H's recent post, here it is. A firm turntable favourite in the Saturday night run up back in the days when Saturday nights were guaranteed to involve stonedness, mellowness and grooviness. Just looking at the sleeve makes me happy.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

The track that fell to Earth

Checking out the Those Shocking Shaking Days compilation I went over to Now Again's website and my eye was caught by this sleeve. Like all good vinyl junkies I always judge a record by its cover and, like a pretty flower, this one did its job and drew me in. It looks like a Hendrix sleeve and I thought it was just an abstract splurge at first, but having seen a photo of Dimlite I'm fairly certain it's a portrait of him.

Also, it's on 10" vinyl. I always like 10" records, even though they're a bugger to find in your collection. And finally, it's called My Human Wears Acedia Shreds, which is just about the most intriguing title I've ever heard in my life. Here you are: Acedia. That threw me a bit. I think I expected it to be some kind of plant (possibly influenced by acacia, I wonder if he meant acacia?).

Anyway, the music. I read somewhere that it's hip hop.