Thursday, 9 May 2013

Jonathan Livingston Parkbench

Exploring, I found this today. Lovely isn't it? Almost too nice to sit on. Overlooking a lake as well. It's in a good bird spotting area, I spotted a Jay (which I class as a minor bird spotting treat) and additionally a largish, green bird. In the brief glance I got I think it was probably crested. Colour and size-wise it could have been a woodpecker. But I didn't notice a bright red head. 


  1. 'A largish green bird'. I shall have to look that up.

    Lot of nature stuff here this week.

  2. I thought maybe it was a finch at first, but it seemed too large. Perhaps it was an escaped parrot? I'll take some binoculars next time and stake out the tree.

    And yes, a bit of nature. Probably down to the weather.
