Wendy & Bonnie The Winter is Cold
In further cold-weather-related-trend behaviour I’m sporting a fantastic duffle coat at the moment. I’d been on the lookout for ages – I had thought I’d pick one up at an Army and Navy Surplus easy but they all seem to have closed down when I wasn’t looking. The purist in me would only settle for a very basic style and on that score the high street was a dead loss. I did find one that I liked in a department store but when I checked the price tag it was £250 – I just thought, “Has the world gone mad?” I got a secondhand one for thirty quid in the end.
Since the move up north (where it reached -15 deg the other night) I too have been looking for a duffle. Something tells me that when I do get one I probably won't be taking it off 'til next April.
ReplyDeleteThat's just reminded me of my parents telling me when I was little that Eskimos used to stitch themselves into their clothes for the winter.
ReplyDeleteI once saw a lad wearing a big puffa-style coat the hood of which actually had a full polythene visor - a bit too conspicuous for my taste (it was bright orange too) but I've thought about it every morning walking over Vauxhall bridge.